Presenting Pakistan

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Presenting Pakistan Like Never Before

A country that has the highest highway in the world, the second highest mountain in the world, has the most beautiful and highest mountain ranges in the world.

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Diversity of Culture

Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Balochi and many other ethnicites, combine to enhance the diversity of cultures of Pakistan.

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Fairy Meadows

Land of Adventure and Nature

Pakistan has an extraordinary variety of landscapes ranging from highest mountain peaks to some of the unique plateaus in the west.

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Great Historical Heritage

Pakistan is a country of great historical heritage, diverse culture and natural beauty.

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Customers Reviews

Well disciplined, economical and effective time management capabilities.

melissa salame

Excellent tour operating company for trips and much more.

Tawana N Epps

I needed a LOI for my visa which they sent to me in less than 24 hours and also helped with accommodation booking. Can recommend!

Benjamin Beiderwellen

Excellent service and trustworthy. Thank you so much.

Martin Miskowicz

I will be using their services again as soon as when i get to Pakistan again.


Top of the list touring and traveling company. 10/10 recommended.


Reasonable prices for group tour, professional and well-trained staff.


The Visa services provided by this very professional tourism group is very good. They are very responsive to your queries. If they give you a time frame for delivery they are definitely on time or earlier. I am very pleased with the service I received from them and would recommend them highly.

Malik sami

Best places to go! I loved it. Very worth your money and time. They are licensed and certified to help you apply for your tourist visa. All tourists must use a travel agency to get a visa and I recommend this one!



Pakistan is a country in South Asia. Pakistan have the world 3 highest mountain ranges, Himalayas, Karakoram and the Hindukush. Trekking, mountaineering, water rafting, wild boar hunting, mountain and desert jeep safaris, camel and yak safaris, trout fishing and bird watching, are few activities, which entice the adventure and nature lovers to Pakistan. Ten of 18 mammalian orders are represented in Pakistan. Out of 14, Pakistan have five 8000m+ mountains including K2 and Nanga Parbat (Killer Mountain).
“It was fantastic going on the sled to see the views on the mountains! And the action of it – I loved going fast!”

Why Choose Us

Our Values
Presenting Pakistan guided by a set of core values , quality, dedication, trust and personal service, and we ensure that these hallmarks are met at every stage of your journey, so you get the best value of your time and money.
Presenting Pakistan is certified by Government of Pakistan, the official quality label for Pakistani tourism, our commitment to professional staff development has been recognized with an education and tourism award in Pakistan.
Destination Specialists
We are a company, based in Pakistan and our staff know our home-nation, your destination, inside-out. You can feel fully confident retaining your travel arrangements and monies with Presenting Pakistan
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